Tip 1: The heavy-bottomed pan will help prevent burning of your dish. Tip 2: What constitutes a good tomato sauce is a very subjective matter. Some feel a tomato sauce should be thick and chunky, some feel it should be smooth and velvety. It is up to you to decide what pleases you the most and aim for it. Tip 3: If you are using fresh tomatoes, I recommend plum tomatoes that are ripe and bursting with flavor. They are best peeled by blanching them in boiling water for 10-15 seconds and then refreshing them in cold water to stop the cooking process. Peel the skin carefully you may have to dip them again if the skin does not peel easily. For a chunky sauce, cut tomatoes into a large dice and cook for a short period of time so the tomatoes don't break down too much. If you want a smooth sauce, cut tomatoes into small dice and cook for a longer length of time to ensure complete breakdown of the tomatoes. You may wish to go one step further and puree or even strain your sauce. Tip 4: If you are using canned tomatoes, it is important to test the quality of what you buy. (It is best to use canned tomatoes drained.) You may wish to buy 3 or 4 different brands and run some tests on them: first strain them to see how much water you are buying. Secondly, what do they taste like - are they acidic or sweet? Thirdly, are they firm or mushy? Which has the most appeal for you? Tip 5: The best way to find a good recipe is to develop it yourself according to your own tastes. Start with a standard recipe and decide what you like and dislike about it. Then decide how you should change it to suit your tastes. Keep a record of all the changes you make and over time, you will develop your perfect recipe. Tip 6: If you wish to tone down the dish, a hot banana pepper that has had the seeds and inner membrane removed, will give off less heat without loosing the spirit of the dish. Tip 7: If you can't find pancetta you can substitute lean bacon.